Tag: careercoding

  • 3 reasons businesses should use a VAT Calculator online

    3 reasons businesses should use a VAT Calculator online

    Why Businesses Need a VAT Calculator online: Ensure compliance, plan finances, and foster trust with clear VAT calculations.

  • Gutenberg Enhanced: 2024 Portfolio Transformation

    Gutenberg Enhanced: 2024 Portfolio Transformation

    Introduction to Gutenberg Enhanced: In the realm of web development, showcasing your work effectively is paramount. A well-constructed portfolio not only highlights your skills but also serves as a pivotal tool for attracting future opportunities. Recognizing this, I embarked on a journey to elevate my portfolio, transitioning from Divi to WordPress’s native Gutenberg editor. This…

  • Convert JPG, PNG to WebP WordPress Plugin

    Convert JPG, PNG to WebP WordPress Plugin

    Convert JPG, PNG to WebP WordPress plugin Convert JPG, PNG to WebP, the Ultimate Image Optimization Plugin for WordPress As a WordPress developer and programmer, I’ve had the pleasure (or the horror ^_^ ) of navigating the intricate world of website performance optimization. In my journey, one challenge I consistently find is optimizing images for…