So, just like me, you started, let’s say two years ago your developer career, but you feel you have a dead end.
Fear not!
We all pass through this, so, in a way it’s normal.
Below, I give you some points that helped me in times of need and still do.
Hey, I am Luc, a front-end developer in his 40+ that started in 2019 February his journey.
Stay focus at one thing at the time.
I tend to be distracted by new things that appear in the tech world. New languages, new frameworks, new, new… and, if you are like me, that you like the new shine things than I bet you identify.
What I do is to (re)focus on the goals, asking myself: what is my goal? What do I want to learn this week? How do I apply after I understand it?
Having this in mind helps me to remain focus and, step by step to get to the accomplishment of the goal.
Motivation is key.
Sometimes is hard to get motivated by what you do and the very passion for coding turns into a drag-and-draft “To-Do List”.
Motivation is what keeps human morale uplifted so that it will continue. Find things you like to create. Build something that helps others. I find creating things very helpful, especially when I know that what I build it’s going to impact someone’s life. Think about it: you bring value to other’s people lives with your imagination and work.
Don’t get stuck!
During my almost two years of programming, I often got stuck on concepts I didn’t understand and it felt like bumping to the end of the line. I learned that moving forward and coming back after a while, it’s helpful and beneficial to my understanding. The concept that didn’t make any sense to my brain last week, since I am not stressed out and focused to understand the concepts itself, but to understand what the concept is about, helps me to understand on a deeper level this week.
Bonus point.
Trust yourself and take your career towards the direction you desire. You have control over this. Make the advance something fun and enjoyable. Don’t stress out as your journey is your own and you dictate the speed.
Breaking points:
- stay focused: one thing at the time;
- find motivation: this is hard sometimes, but with self-discipline, lack of motivation we’ll keep you going;
- don’t get stuck: move forward and give yourself credit that the syntax you haven’t understood today you’ll have it the next day in 5 minutes.
Remember it’s all about growing, having fun, and enjoy your journey.
Until next time, have a pleasant, productive, and enjoyable week.
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