Month: October 2020

  • I am bad at coding, please help!

    I am bad at coding, please help! How many times you haven’t felt this way? How many times you’ve looked at your code and had the feeling of being the worst programmer in the world? And finally, how many times have you had the feeling if you are a junior like me, that you maybe,…

  • “Capture user inputs” in Javascript

    Capture user inputs in Javascript I always had difficulties applying concepts in JavaScript, and you might say that is common when you are a beginner to programming, but I can assure you that in my case I had to struggle to understand the basics in JavaScript, and yes I still do. This week I studied…

  • Why should the code be commented on?

    While there is a lot of article pro and cons that we should comment or not our code, it came to my attention that this is required in programming industry as it’s one of a question I received during job interviews when it comes to Code Practices. You may not agree with the fact that…

  • How I overcame self-doubt!

    You might know part of my story if you are following my account on Twitter, but I have never opened myself on social media at this level and share my personal experience until I realized that I can help people, I can “really” help people. I don’t like long introduction either so I brake the…